Friday, January 29, 2010


It's very WET today.  The area right in front of the bunnies' pen is flooded, and the burrow is probably also flooded.  I'm debating the matter of bringing them in.  But it's not cold, so I think they'll be fine.  Also, the water bottle has not shown up yet.  Still wondering.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Oh Where, Oh Where, Has My Water Bottle Gone?

Yesterday, I returned home to discover that one of the bunnies' three water bottles had disappeared.  They sometimes get the bottle out of the holder, and push it into the burrow (beats me why).  I checked the burrow, the burrow again, and everywhere I could think of.  I have NO CLUE where this water bottle could have gone.

Also, I plan to figure out a way to transfer all the info from the old BunBlog to this new BunBlog.  Just not right now.  ;)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Getting Used to the New BunBlog

I'm still getting the hang of this new server.  But it's definetely easier than the last one!

Today was Clean Up Day, which went well.  The bunnies seemed happy to have nice clean bedding in their cages, as usual.  Nothing much to say, I just love posting stuff!  ;)

I'm still not completely done with fixing up this new site.  However, as soon as I do finish, I will start sending out emails to all of the old members.  :D

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Welcome to BunBlog!

The title says it all.  Welcome to BunBlog!  BunBlog is a blog of my five rabbits: Flopsy, Thumper, Cini-Mini, Jewels, and Memphis.  Every now and then, I will post a short update on the various doings of the buns.

This is not the original BunBlog, however.  I switched servers, because my old server (Freewebs) gave me a storage limit.  I hope that Blogspot will be easier to use and better in general! 

A downside of using an actual blog server instead of a website server is that I will not be able to create seperate pages.  On the old server, I had pages for each rabbit, a homepage, a pictures page, a journal page, a guestbook page, and a members page.  Hopefully I can somehow put all of that into blog posts.

I hope you enjoy the new BunBlog!